
Oil Painting Solvents- Bartoline - Premium Low Odour WHITE SPIRIT 750ml

  • £5.75

A quality, low odour solvent refined to meet the requirements of BS245 Type A.

It has a milder odour than standard White Spirit, proving more suitable for use indoors or in confined spaces.

Use solvent suitable for thinning Traditional and Alkyd oil colours and cleaning brushes.

Less viscous and  slightly slower drying than turpentine, so giving more ‘watery’ mixes, making the colour slightly less controllable and does not stay ‘open’ as long.

Does not deteriorate on storage.

Plastic container with 'safety' screw lid and carrying handle.

  • Keep in a tightly closed container to minimise odour while working, use in a well ventilated area.

  • Avoid prolonged contact with skin.