Pad - Oil Painting - Daler Rowney - GEORGIAN - 1.4mm thick - 10 sheet ARTBOARD Pad - A4

Pad - Oil Painting - Daler Rowney - GEORGIAN - 1.4mm thick - 10 sheet ARTBOARD Pad - A4

  • £12.99
  • Save £4.36

210 x 297 mm 8.3 x 11.7 in

Acid free, white paper embossed with a varied linen effect surface, developed specifically for use with oil paints, laminated to sturdy, durable 1.4mm thick boards in pads of 10 sheets, providing a convenient way of carrying multiple boards.

Ideal for use in the studio or on the move.

Accepts pencil for outline sketching and all types of Oil Paint.

Also Available in A3.