
Bob Ross Painting Set - Landscape Master Set - includes FREE Bob Ross Canvases WORTH £34.40

  • £118.00
  • Save £51.96

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Learn to paint Oils the Bob Ross way with this great Landscape painting Master set, containing plenty to get you on your way, presented in a cardboard box.

Set Contains (subject to change) :

  • 8 oil colours (37ml.) - Alizarin Crimson, Bright Red, Cadmium Yellow,  Midnight Black, Phthalo Blue, Sap Green, Titanium White, Van Dyke Brown,

  • Liquid White

  • No.10 Painting Knife

  • 1" Landscape Brush

  • 2" Background Brush

  • No.6 Fan & No 2 Script Liner Brush

  • Instructions for a painting.

  • PLUS WoW EXCLUSIVE 2 FREE 10 x 12" Bob Ross grey primed stretch canvases RRP £34.40

All the unique Bob Ross materials and tools have been carefully formulated and designed to achieve success in his wet-on-wet technique.

Bob Ross has taught millions of people worldwide to paint. His simple wet-on-wet technique is designed so that anyone who has the desire to paint will achieve instant encouragement and success. 

Includes free delivery