
Oil Painting Medium- ZEST-IT - GLAZING MEDIUM LIGHT - 500ml

  • £26.00

2 left in stock

For thinning Oil Paints to create glazes.

A thin, slightly translucent fluid that dries clear and glossy.

Glazing, in oil painting, means adding a very thin layer of transparent colour over an already dried area.

When making a glaze it is important that the liquid is thin, dependant on the application and preference.

Add a small amount of transparent oil paint to the Glazing Medium to make the desired colour. 

Build your effect in layers of colour, allowing each one to dry before further applications.

Most effective results are often obtained over a light coloured background, allowing the light reflect off the surface, through the layers of glaze, giving the finished result a certain luminosity.

Best applied with a soft haired brush to a dry painting, excess medium can be removed with a cloth or kitchen towel.  

The Zest-it Glazing Medium is a mixture of Solvent, Linseed Stand Oil and Gum Damar.

Always best to test before applying to a painting.

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